
angela CROTT: Is mijn zoon een macho? Over het opvoeden van jongens

“Nací en el seno de una familia de tres hijas. Educada en los años sesenta y setenta del siglo pasado, estaba convencida de que las diferencias entre chicos y chicas eran resultado de la educación. Cuando empecé a dar clases y, más tarde, al tener hijos, me di cuenta de que no era así. Y…

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anne MOIR & david JESSEL: Brain Sex; the Real Difference between Men and Women

Table of Contents: 1.The Differences 2. The Birth of Difference 3. Sex in the Brain / Brain Sex Test 4. Childhood Differences 5. The Brains Come of Age 6. The Ability Gap 7. Hearts and Minds 8. Like Minds 9. The Marriage of Two Minds 10. Why Mothers are not Fathers 11. Minds at Work 12.…

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Ingbert von MARTIAL: Koedukation und Getrennte Erziehunh

Ingbert von MARTIAL: Koedukation und Getrennte Erziehunh. Pädagogik und freie schule - Heft 51. Adamas Verlag, Köln. Printed in Germany, 1998

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Jennifer Buckingham: Boys' Education: Research & Rhetoric

There is significant evidence that boys have been experiencing educational disadvantage. Boys are much more likely than girls to have poor literacy skills, and this has a wide-ranging and often debilitating effect on their performance and engagement at school. Despite resistance from the largely…

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Simon BARON-COHEN: The essential difference. The truth about the male and female brain

Underlying the subtle differences in the psychology of men and women, Baron-Cohen believes, there is one essential difference, and it affects everything we do: Men have a tendency to analyze and construct systems while women are inclined to empathize. With fresh evidence for these claims,…

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Eleanor MACCOBY: The Two Sexes. Growing up Apart, Coming Together

The Two Sexes is a book about gender differences that takes on the big questions most of us have asked at some point: Why are men and women so different? How much of our behavior is biology and how much is learned? How do our gender roles in childhood affect the way we relate as adults? One of…

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Christina HOFF SOMMERS: The war against boys; how feminism is harming our young men

This we think we know: American schools favor boys and grind down girls. The truth is the very opposite. By virtually every measure, girls are thriving in school; it is boys who are the second sex T'S a bad time to be a boy in America. The triumphant victory of the U.S. women's soccer team at the…

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