
The ABC of Gender Equality in Education. OCDE

To compete successfully in today’s global economy, countries need to develop the potential of all of their citizens. They need to ensure that men and women develop the right skills and opportunities to use them productively. Many countries are working towards achieving gender parity at the…

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Weird neuroscience: how education hijacked brain research [AU]

[The Conversation, 10 December 2012]   Neuroscience: the word oozes sophistication and intelligence – the very qualities we might want to nurture in our students, our children, our general populace. Maybe that’s why many people involved in education around the world are persuaded…

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Razoo Causes: Single Sex Education

[Razoo, November 10, 2007]   In Australia, achievements of children in single-sex environments were 15-22 percentile ranks higher than those of children in co-educational settings. Single-sex education allows students of both sexes to learn in a relaxed, sex-specific environment. Situation: The…

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The Argument for Single-Sex Schools [AU]

More and more research is showing that students achieve and learn better in single sex schools. In a twenty-year Australian study of 270,000 students, Dr. Ken Rowe found that both boys and girls performed between 15 and 22 percentile points higher on standardized tests when they went to…

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