Boys Feel Academically Confident At Single Sex Schools [2011]

Boys aged 12-15 years old who attend single sex schools feel more confident in their academic ability than those who attend co-educational schools.

This is one of findings of a Doctoral research project carried out at the Institute of Education by Dr Sanchita Chowdhury that was presented at the Division of Educational and Child Psychology annual conference on the 12 January 2011, at the Hilton Hotel, Newcastle Gateshead.

Unlike previous research that focused on the academic achievements of single sex and co-educational pupils, this research investigated the impact of the type of school on pupil's self-esteem. 1,118 pupils aged 12-15 years old from two female single-sex, two male single-sex, and two co-educational schools completed questionaires that ascertained their self perceptions in a number of areas: academic competence, athletic competence, confidence in finding and keeping a job, close friendships, romantic appeal and social acceptance (Harter Self Perception Profile).

Dr Chowdhury said: "The questionnaire revealed some effects of the type of school; however the most important factor was the gender of the pupil. Boys in general, rated themselves as higher than females in most of the competences except close friendships.

"Boys at single sex schools perceived themselves as more competent academically. We also found that both boys and girls at single sex schools were more likely to feel attractive and datable to the opposite sex. The findings of the study are helpful in understanding what pupils find beneficial and comparing what works for boys and girls across different settings so psychological services and schools can target support in the right places."

The British Psychological Society