
PIRLS International Report - 3

Chapter 6: Teachers and Reading Instruction.  Even though the home plays an important part in children’s early literacy activities, there is no doubt that teachers and the instructional approaches they use are central in helping students learn to read...

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PIRLS International Report - 2

Chapter 2: Achievement in Reading for Literary Experience and Reading To Acquire and Use Information.   For PIRLS, reading literacy is defined as: the ability to understand and use those written language forms required by society and/or valued by the individual. Young readers can construct…

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PIRLS International Report - 1

Chapter 1: International Student Achievement in Reading          Chapter 1 summarizes reading achievement at the fourth grade for each of the countries that participated in pirls 2001. The average and range in performance are presented for participating countries, and gender differences also…

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Alumnes repetidors i amb NEE [2003-04]

Alumnes repetigors i amb necessitats educatives especials al curs 2003-2004, per gènere. Elaboració pròpia a partir de dades del Departament d'Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya...

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