Single-sex education and Constitutional Court

This article analyzes the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court on single-sex education, after a brief review of the background and jurisprudence of the Supreme Court. According to the case law of the Constitutional Court, insofar as the Constitution recognises freedom of education (Article 27. 1 CE), any educational model which has as its object the full development of the human personality and respect for the principles and fundamental rights and freedoms recognised by Article 27. 2 CE is in conformity with the Constitution. Among these models is that of single-sex education, although it is permissible that some additional requirements be imposed on it in order to ensure that the principle of equality is respected. The centres that respond to the differentiated model will be able to access public financing, through agreements, in conditions of equality with the rest of the educational centres, that is to say, complying with the requirements and criteria that are legally established.