
Rapport au savoir et division socio-sexuée des savoirs à l’école [FR]

Nicole Mosconi « Rapport au savoir et division socio-sexuée des savoirs à l'école », La lettre de l'enfance et de l'adolescence 1/2003 (no 51), p. 31-38.   Cet article s’appuiera sur des recherches collectives menées au sein d’un groupe de recherche, animé par Claudine…

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Single-sex school girls earn more [UK] [2006]

[999Today, 22nd September 2006]     Girls who attend single-sex schools go on to earn higher wages than those in mixed classes, a UK study has revealed. Researchers at London University's Institute of Education followed almost 13,000 people born in 1958. They found girls educated in…

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What About the Boys? [US] [2006]

[Edweek, june 7 2006] By Lyn Mikel Brown, Meda Chesney-Lind, & Nan Stein Years after conservative pundits began to warn of a “war against boys,” we’ve started to see the mainstream media pick up the argument. A USA Today headline warns, “Pay Closer Attention: Boys Are Struggling…

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Study explores why boys are falling behind girls in school [US] [2006]

[, May 15, 2006]   Thirty years ago, boys, not girls, were the high performers in schools. Today, test scores, grades and dropout rates show boys are achieving at levels far below girls, and an international study that includes the University of Florida is yielding insights that may…

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Del lado de los chicos, del lado de las chicas [FR] [2004]

[Le Monde, 27-1-2004] Ellos son mas activos, ellas prefieran el diálogo, y esto comienza desde el nacimiento. ¿Cuestión de naturaleza o peso de la presión social?  Por Catherine Vincent    Al publicar Du côté des petites filles, Elena Gianini Belotti encontró un gran éxito entre los…

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