10 reasons for an all-boys school

Few parenting decisions are as important as selecting a school for your child. As children, we are at our most malleable and impressionable during our years at elementary and high school. It’s a time when our brains undergo their most profound growth. But not all of us learn the same way, or at the same rate: research has uncovered significant differences in the way boys and girls absorb information.

Tailoring education to the gender of your child has myriad benefits, and these days, increasing numbers of parents are choosing all-boys’ schools. Here are some of the reasons why boys learn differently, that appeared in an article in Toronto Life Magazine, September 15, 2015, sponsored by Crescent School.

  1. Boys grow at a diferent pace.
  2. Boys have diferent strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Excellent boys’ classes are “transitive”.
  4. Boys thrive on personal relationships.
  5. Boys love to feel like they are part of a team.
  6. Boys need a sòlid support structure.
  7. Boys benefit from experience.
  8. Boys thrive with the right tools.
  9. Boys need strong role models.