
Las opciones científico-técnicas de las chicas: el impacto de la educación diferenciada en las elecciones postobligatorias

A continuación reproducimos este artículo de investigación de los profesores Jaume Camps Bansell y Enric Vidal Rodà publicado en la revista Avances en Ciencias de la Educación y del Desarrollo (2014. pp. 615-621. ISBN: 978-84-608-4165-4).…

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Entrepeneurial training programmes are gender-sensitive

The European Commission, as it can be read in the attached study "Entrepeneurship Education: A Road to Success" (cf. pages 64 and 89), states that entrepeneurial training programmes are gender-sensitive. Evidence suggests that male students benefit more from "conventional" training programmes than…

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Acts of the 5th Latin-American Congres on Single-Sex Education

Solar Colegios, in collaboration with ALCED (Asociación Latinoamericana de Centros de Educación Diferenciada) organized the 5th Latin-American Congress on Single-Sex Education.

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Reasoning About Single-Sex Schooling for Girls Among Students, Parents and Teachers.

The number of United States public schools offering single-sex education for girls has increased dramatically in the past decade. Rationales for all-girls schools are diverse and grounded in differing gender ideologies. This article examines  reasoning about all-girls schools among school…

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The Potential Impact of Social Science Research on Legal Issues Surrounding Single-Sex Classrooms and Schools [US] [2013]

Abstract Purpose: This article examines the role social science has played in litigation involving public single-sex educational programs. It also explores a body of social science research related to gender and education that we believe could assist the courts …

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