
Single-sex schools in Spain: a qualitative analysis on the reasons and perceptions of their headmasters

Jaume Camps Bansell and Elisabeth Vierheller, collaborators of, publish the conclusions of some research in an article in Revista Española de Pedagogía, nº 269. LXXVI (2018). Nº 269. January-April. Single-sex education maintains its presence in the school landscape of Spain,…

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Mars and Venus in the classroom: students' perception on the psychosocial effects of coeducational and single-sex schooling.

This article, by professors Jaume Camps Bansell and Enric Vidal Rodà, was published in Revista Española de Pedagogía, year LXXIII, nº 260, January-April 2015, 53-71. Sex is one of the factors that affect students’ academic outcomes and professional options. Although the spread of coeducation…

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Educating the 21st Century Man

What does it mean to be a 21st century man? In this PowerPoint presentation, leading educators and veteran heads of boys' schools explain how to lead and support boys best in today's society. Encourage their growth as both citizens and individuals so they are engaged, virtuous, and kind. Ensure…

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Gender differences in reading attitudes and interests: a research with Spanish students from Primary education.

The results of this research show the existence of significant differences between boys and girls in sixth grade as regards their motivation for reading, their attitude towards social or collective reading and their general attitude. Girls obtain more favorable results in these attitudes.. No…

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Gender composition in Chilean schools: Does it affect academic achievement and school environment?

This study analyzes the differences in academic achievement and school environment of a special feature of school composition: the gender of the students. Regarding the discussion about efficiency and effectiveness in co-educational and single-sex schools in the USA and Europe, this paper examines…

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