
Inteligencia de género para la escuela. Paradojas de la coeducación

Jaume Camps I Bansell, Professor of Sociology and Social Psychology at the Faculty of Education in Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, has just published Inteligencia de género para la escuela. Las paradojas de la coeducación (2015), Editorial Círculo Rojo. ISBN 978-84-9115-223-1. In this…

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Comportamento e apprendimento di maschi e femmine a scuola [IT]

                            Pare che sia ormai imminente l'uscita in libreria dell'atteso volume collettaneo Comportamento e apprendimento di maschi e femmine a scuola, a cura di Giuseppe Mari, professore ordinario di Pedagogia Generale e Sociale dell’Università…

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Nuevo paradigma escolar: educación Single-Sex o Diferenciada

Acaba de salir a la luz el nuevo libro sobre educación Diferenciada: "Nuevo paradigma escolar: educación Single-Sex o Diferenciada".Los autores de los diferentes capítulos son: Josu Ahedo, Jaume Camps y María Calvo (España), Pelusa Orellana y Paula Baldwin (Universidad de los Andes, Chile),…

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Reaching Boys, Teaching Boys: Students and Teachers Reveal What Works - and Why

Based on an extensive worldwide study, this book reveals what gets boys excited about learning "Reaching Boys, Teaching Boys" challenges the widely-held cultural impression that boys are stubbornly resistant to schooling while providing concrete examples of pedagogy and instructional style…

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Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities

In the third edition of her popular text, Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities, Diane Halpern tackles fundamental questions about the meaning of sex differences in cognition and why people are so afraid of the differences. She provides a comprehensive context for understanding the theories…

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Socialització de gènere a l'escola

Nou llibre d'Educació centrat en la socialització de gènere a l'escola.  Jaume Camps acaba de publicar el llibre 'Socialització de gènere a l'escola' (Furtwangen Editores-UIC Publicacions), el número 3 de la Serie Educación que edita la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. El …

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Gurian, Stevens, Daniels: Successful Single-Sex Classrooms: A Practical Guide to Teaching Boys & Girls Separately

  This book is an essential resource for educators who are teaching or leading schools with single-gender classes, whether they're in public, private, or Catholic schools. It is a "soup-to-nuts" guide, covering everything from curriculum planning and classroom design to school policies and…

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