
The Anthropological Foundation of Single-Sex Education

Josu Ahedo Ruiz aims to explain what is the anthropological foundation of single-sex education. Coeducation seeks to guarantee equality with socialization through the joint coexistence of both sexes. Single-sex education aims to achieve the highest academic performance, human development with the…

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Breaking stereotypes: for a more egalitarian society

A school in Spain surprised the world by deciding to implement a particular extracurricular class to train their male students in equality when forming a family.

The Montecastelo School, in the city of Vigo, teaches cooking, ironing and other "home" activities, under the slogan "Equality is learned with facts".

According to the coordinator of the establishment, Gabriel Bravo, these activities are carried out so that "tomorrow, these men can contribute in their homes when they form a family".

"We thought it would be very useful for our students to learn how to carry out these tasks so that when they start a family they will be involved from the beginning and they know that a house is a matter of two, that it is not a matter of the woman cleaning, putting the dishwasher and ironing This will allow them to become aware and know how to handle themselves at home," added Bravo.

The classes are taught by teachers as well as by assistants, all men, and have had a good acceptance by the students, who even learned sewing. "They had a certain reluctance, but they took it with a positive attitude, it was fun and instructive at the same time, we are quite surprised and the parents are very happy," said the teacher in charge.

Boys, education and bad behaviour

This article by Jennifer Fink was published in under the title "Moving into the Red: Boys and Education". Jennifer Fink believes our boys are trying to tell us something about the way they’re being educated……

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Upcoming events 2019

AGSA (Alliance of Girls' Schools Australasia)  Student Leadership Conference. The Women's College. Sydney University. Australia. 15th-18th January 2019. GSA (Girls' Schools Association) Leading Schools toward the Future. Edgbaston High School. Birmingham. 26th-27th February 2019. NCGS…

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The environment of single-sex schools facilitates academic performance

Recent research by the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand has found that learners academically perform better in a single-sex school. The study compared the performance of learners in single-sex schools with those at co-educational schools. It found the teaching style, environment…

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